DCSIMG The Walking Forest ARTIST OF THE CITY 2018

The Walking Forest

Inspired by William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Production and direction Christiane Jatahy

18th – 20th May
Friday and Saturday, 7pm and 9pm; Sunday, 4pm and 6pm
Garrett Room

The Walking Forest, by Christiane Jatahy, is a piece about the political, economic and social system that exists in Brazil and the world in general. Who or what would Macbeth be today? A question, not to find someone who symbolises him, but to reflect on how the acquisitive relationships of power systems involve us and cross us.
This time, the scenic space will function like a giant art gallery, hosting a video-installation, consisting of four screens that will exhibit the stories of young people that saw their lives crossed by the present system. Each day, the location will be the stage of a vernissage – with bar service included – and the audience will be part of a performance that mixes reality and fiction.

Performance: Julia Bernat;
Films: Christiane Jatahy and Paulo Camacho;
Live camera and lighting: Paulo Camacho;
Spatial design: Christiane Jatahy and Marcelo Lipiani;
Art and set director: Marcelo Lipiani;
Sound design and sound effects: Estevão Case;
Costume: Fause Haten;
Artistic interlocution and assistant director: Fernanda Bond;
Artistic collaborators: Isabel Teixeira, Stella Rabello, Henrique Mariano;
Video technology: Julio Parente;
Lighting assistant and operator: Leandro Barreto;
Stagehands: Thiago Katona and Diogo Magalhães;
Live video and music operator: Felipe Norkus;
Video technician: Bruno Drolshagen;
Live sound mixing: Benhur Machado;
Photography: Aline Macedo and Marcelo Lipiani;
Production manager and tour manager: Henrique Mariano

A project by Cia Vértice de Teatro

Coproduction Le Centquatre-Paris, Odéon Théâtre de l’Europe, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, TEMPO_FESTIVAL, Cena Contemporânea and SESC